Forbes Award 2022

Consulting Awards: Staufen AG named leading management consultancy by “Forbes” and “Handelsblatt” / Excellent reputation in industry and automotive sector

September 13, 2022 | Global News, News Germany

Double honor for Staufen AG: Both US business magazine “Forbes” and Germany’s leading business newspaper “Handelsblatt” named the management consultancy one of the leading consulting firms in their recently presented rankings. Staufen AG is one of the top addresses, especially in industry, the automotive sector and for often family-run medium-sized businesses – both nationally and internationally.

“To receive awards from two renowned editorial offices within just a few weeks is still something special, even after so many years in the consulting business,” says Wilhelm Goschy, CEO of Staufen AG, who is delighted about the current awards. “The two awards also reflect very well what the more than 300 colleagues at Staufen stand for: excellent industry knowledge, entrepreneurial thinking at eye level among owners, board members and managing directors, and a strong international footprint in Europe, America and Asia.

Staufen is one of the “World’s Best Management Consulting Firms 2022”

The last point is underlined above all by the “World’s Best Management Consulting Firms 2022” ranking determined for the first time by “Forbes” in cooperation with Statista, for which the important consulting markets USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Switzerland and Japan were analyzed in detail. A total of 27 sectors and functional areas were analyzed. For example, Staufen ranks among the best in the automotive, mechanical and plant engineering, aerospace, logistics, and food industries. The consultancy also made it into the top group in the consulting fields of strategy development, operations,

restructuring, organization and supply chain management.

David Frost also appreciates the close cooperation between the international offices of Staufen in Europe, Asia, and North and South America. The lean expert manages the Staufen branch in the USA from Atlanta. “We can tap our resources in Mexico, Germany or the rest of the Staufen world at any time. In addition, there is the wealth of knowledge in the Academy, from which we also benefit,” says the production expert.

David Frost, Manager of the new branch, STAUFEN.USA

“Inside every company, there is an even better one. That’s true for us as well.”

Frost is not the only “car guy” at Staufen. According to the current Handelsblatt ranking “Top Consultants 2022,” the German consultants are among the most renowned automotive consultants in Germany. The same applies to the industrial goods, family-owned, and SME sectors. For the ranking, the Handelsblatt Research Institute surveyed more than 15,000 consultants from over 300 consulting firms. “Through these awards, we gain a reflection of our customers’ perspective and our standing within our own industry,” says Staufen CEO Goschy. “Both perspectives provide us with very encouraging results but also important pointers for improvement. Because as we always tell our customers: inside every company, there is an even better one. Of course, that’s true for us as well.”

For more information:



Stephanie König
Blumenstr. 5
D-73257 Köngen

Mobil: +49 1522 2887 350


Thöring & Stuhr

Kommunikationsberatung GmbH

Arne Stuhr
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D-20148 Hamburg

Mobil: +49 177 3055 194


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