Brochures / White Paper / White Paper

White Paper: Predictive Restructuring 2020

Looking back from today’s perspective, the banking crisis of 2008/2009 was harmless. What’s more: After that crisis, the only way for the German economy was up. Yet, towards the end of the boom phase, we were already seeing an increase in crisis symptoms. The huge emerging trends digitalization, e-mobility and sustainability
were setting the stage in many market segments for impending up heaval – a risk cocktail was being whipped up.
Brochures / Consulting Services

Shop Floor Management

Shop Floor Management supports the consistent and sustainable development of processes and procedures at the point of origin. The presence of management in the production areas and their focus upon standard deviations enable decisions to be sped up and employees to be developed into improvement managers.
Brochures / Consulting Services


Lean Development reduces lead times in the product creation process through the elimination of waste. A Lean Development System uses lean principles, based on organisational and operational methods with the aim of takt-timing development projects efficiently and securing their results. Mentor-mentee dialogue instead of hierarchy and micromanagement Frontloading instead.
Brochures / General brochures

Staufen Company Brochure

Staufen is a Lean Management consulting service and academy. We believe that inside every company, there is an even better one. Our passion is helping you discover the better version of your company and working with you to stablish a sustainable culture of change. This will make your business lean, clever and able to optimize.

Brochures / General brochures

Lean Glossary

Here you find all terms and explanations of the Lean World. The glossary is also available for download.

Brochures / Consulting Services

Lean Transformation

Many traditional companies find themselves in a period of transformation. They have to adapt their organizations and processes to changing market and competitive conditions. Their managers and employees have to be empowered to take an active part in helping to shape this transformation sustainably.
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