One of the most important topics that manufacturing companies face around the globe is having efficient processes. The goal is to make the company fit and agile enough to hold its own against international competitors. As one of the leading figures in the field of Lean management consulting, Staufen has been active for years in many different countries, including Poland and Italy. In 2017, both of these branch offices are celebrating their tenth anniversary. We are honoring the occasion with a brief look back at our work in both countries.
Italy – Focusing on improving executive performance.
The Italian economy is currently in the midst of a period of moderate growth, and among Staufen Italia clients, exports are the main growth driver. More and more companies in this sector are investing in consulting services. Staufen Italia and its team has set itself the goal of becoming the top Lean consultant and sustaining its current growth.
The majority of its clients come from the field of equipment engineering. One example is its first key account in Italy: Pama, a company that specializes in boring and milling machines. Beyond that, however, Staufen Italia is becoming increasingly active in other industries ranging from the automotive sector to the chemicals industry all the way to pharmaceuticals. It generally works with smaller and mid-sized enterprises that are still in the early phases of implementing their Lean transformation.
In Italy, the general focus has been on improving executive performance, which involves introducing Shop Floor Management. Many business people have learned that working on their company’s employees is every bit as important as optimizing processes. The topic of Industry 4.0 is also gaining greater importance.
Poland – Companies relying on the lighthouse effect for international business.
A major part of the overall market dynamic in Poland is determined by German investors, who are also the primary client base of Staufen Polska. One subgroup of clients is in the automotive field and wants to pursue current trends such as Industry 4.0. The other consists of companies that do not currently have industrial production processes; these businesses come from many different industries such as furniture manufacturing. The Polish team also works with clients in the fields of synthetics and final assembly lines. The primary goal: top performance on the national market as well as a lighthouse effect for international business.
Not only is efficiency in corporate processes an appealing topic for Polish companies, the issue of management is gaining more and more significance too. Staufen Polska is continuously expanding the brand core of Shop Floor Management. Currently it is concentrating on businesses with over 200 employees.
Staufen Polska has already successfully worked hand-in-hand with top-tier manufacturers such as MAN, BASF and HILTI as well as major Polish companies such as Grupa Azoty, Kronopol (SwissCrono), Anpharm, Bydgoskie Fabryki Mebli, Mebloform, Ceramika Paradyż, Protea, Fakro, BM Plastic and BZWBK.