Building a strong leadership team for tomorrow: Training for young and emerging leaders

Targeted training and development of young and emerging leaders is crucial. It prepares these talents to tackle complex challenges, lead teams successfully, and develop a clear vision for the organization. This lays the groundwork for a seamless transfer of management responsibility, fosters innovation, and ensures long-term business success.  

Discover our brand new “YOUNG PROFESSIONAL LEADER” training program for young and emerging leaders! 

Your contact

Peter Ullrich

Master Trainer, Head of Content & Didactics



We have developed a unique learning journey consisting of two interactive classroom training modules, virtual learning elements for preparation and follow-up, and in-person discussions. This ensures effective and sustainable transfer into professional practice. From leadership design to team development, we empower participants to lead effectively. 


Real training and development 

We offer authentic and comprehensive training and development that goes far beyond mere knowledge transfer, and we continue to support you after the seminar! 


At our BestPractice Partners we show you successful, field-tested solutions on site, based on experience! 


We put you first. Our trainers are approachable, accessible, and meet you at eye level. So you always receive personal and individual support! 

Operational excellence and effective leadership 

We teach you proven, effective strategies and techniques for achieving process and leadership excellence! 


Not sure which seminar is right for you? You would like to book a training but can’t decide on the right specialization? No problem! We can help you find the right product for your training and development needs.  

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Download a digital copy of the young professional leader training program (only available in German)

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    We are passionate about helping people reach their full potential through education.

    Our trainers look forward to speaking with you in person and working with you!

    Contact person

    Peter Ullrich

    Master Trainer, Head of Content & Didactics


    Phone: +49 7024 8056 0


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